Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pirate Game of the Week 026: Sonic 4 (SNES)

Another interesting pirate that made more than one gamer turn his/her head. Since we did Mario on the Genesis, how about Sonic on the SNES? It's only fair right? Lets get started.

The music of this game is very saddening. The music has nothing to do with the Sonic games we loved so much. There is just not enough sync into the soundtrack to make it feel like a Sonic game. Totally awful altogether! Being that said, I wouldn't expect a masterpiece especially when you have pirates hacking and programming these games.

The graphics are decent. I'm just real glad that Sonic looks like Sonic. No freak show to see here although that would have been good for a laugh or two. The levels are decently designed and show some promise especially when there is a lot of jumping to be done. You won't go blind looking at these graphics but you will also not hate them. Be sure to look out for Mario!

The gameplay is not bad at all. You can do the things you are able to do with Sonic excluding the fast gameplay. I wouldn't expect them to keep up with Sega's masterpieces so it's alright. The attempt was there and little by little you'll realize this game is just a graphics hack of some Speedy Gonzales game. That's right! Go ahead and try it out and you'll see the similarities.

As with many so-so pirates, you'll only want to come back once in a while for a second run. The game is not so challenging that you'll rip your head open but it's also not as appealing as it'll make you come back to discover new areas or do the mega-old school goal which is to get the high score. There is not much to do in this game on a second run except maybe show it off to your gamer friends and even possible girlfriend, you know what I mean wink wink!

This game is not as good as the Mario game for the Genesis. For starters, it's not original as it's a hack of a Speedy Gonzales game and it's missing the Sonic feel. Unlike the Mario game which had the satanic Mario music, this one doesn't have much to deliver. Overall, I would say to skip this game as there is not enough to make you want it in your collection. If you are a Sonic fanatic and want to try a Sonic hack on the SNES, then be sure to pick this one up. They are quite rare but shouldn't be too expensive to buy. Be sure to check eBay for it as it can make its way there sometime unless someone reports it and it gets taken out. That's about it, until next week!

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