Monday, December 27, 2010

the Londoners

Firstly, Im sorry guys I couldnt post anything for a long time, its because of  school !!
I want to say a few things about london street fashion ( they say: its the people that makes the city/country- exactly!) In August when I've been to London, I felt like I was at behind the scenes of some fashion shoot , you know like they show on Fashion Tv ( We love Fashion TV ). Anyway, so these are some photos I took.

                                   Okay, these 3 people were probably thinking they were on Red Carpet or something, because when I took their photo, they posed for the second time. Its just unbelievabla en super inspiring how iconic people are, and its not "only" about the look ! I mean I could write a book about every person I saw cause they seemed like "unique personality" to me. omg
                                           You guys probably would think this is a shop window of some posh boutique,
not really. This was a random corner shop on Oxford St., but it was a lucky corner shop cuz they had an amazing window designer, maybe? Dont you feel like in Sex&City ?! 
                                                       The photo talks itself, seriously. How strong is the image
                                                              Another shop window, very easy-made but very strong and identical
                                                     Only One thing came to my mind when I saw this window: " The expression of feminie desire to a higher social existence through high heels and all other possible shit" -EASY
                                                           This was an amazing inspiration for me to write a history essay.

So basically, all I would say about London, its artistic, trendy, very fresh, iconic, identical, all exclusive.
I wish I could fit the whole London in my Art Book.

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