Thursday, September 2, 2010

back to my roots...

Travelling for any length of time, although great for all its various experiences and life-changing moments, is NOT great for the hair (especially as mine is a definite shade of bright-not-very-natural-blonde usually!) With this in mind, and no other option, naturally my thoughts have turned to what to do with this mess of mine when I return... New city, new look methinks. So imagine my joy when I discovered this gorgeous colour combination and realised that I could very easily get that sorted - as you can imagine my roots are almost at that stage now...

Which admittedly doesn't look nearly as great as hers but I'm sure when I get back home, with a little retouching and help from a professional and not myself with a pair of borrowed (thanks Mum!) hairdressing scissors, I can make this happen. So excited to be able to do something with my hair again...

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