Tuesday, November 10, 2009

really wild footwear

I sometimes wish I was brave enough to indulge myself and splash out, spending £150 on a pair of shoes such as these fine ASHISH Animal Print wedge shoe boots - but I'm just not! Sad, as these are absolutely amazing and just the right amount of leopard, in a less conventional form than top or tights...

Am thinking of trying a 'not-quite-as-good-but-as-good-as-I-can-do-with-no-money' fix it job. Get a pair of leopard print socks, fold them back over some much too ordinary boots and you have a makeshift, cheaper (and, I admit, rather less glamourous!) version. Just make sure you try this in the evening, preferably in a dimly lit bar. And don't let anyone look too closely!

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